Engage And Satisfy Customers With The Sense Home App
Sense provides simple, engaging real time appliance level usage, making it easy for consumers to take control of their home energy use, right from their phone. Our app helps them see what’s on, keep track of where their bill is going, and empowers them to make brighter choices.

Driving Consumer Action
Real-time Information
Sense helps utilities engage with customers by providing an innovative tool to track home energy use in real time. Our consumer app lets users save an average of 8% on their energy bills. It also provides custom notifications, for improved safety and more efficient homes.
Connect consumers with programs that will help them save even more!
Increase Participation
Dynamic, real-time energy data improves interaction between customers, and utilities.
Customers can use this data to assess their appliance-level energy consumption. Choosing to earn incentives for reducing demand during high price periods, and to shift energy consumption to times when renewable resources are plentiful.
Sense users respond to demand response programs and time-of-use (TOU) tariffs. Managing electricity demand with more flexibility relieves pressure on the grid. This helps save money on wholesale energy costs.
Amplify Your Commitment To Innovation And Sustainability
Sense has won global recognition for its role in helping customers reduce energy use and improve the health and safety of their homes.
Connect the benefits customers experience with the Sense Home app with the investment your utility is making in the energy transformation.
Sense empowers customers to take control of their energy bills, while amplifying your commitment to help reach decarbonization goals that benefit all customers.
Our Impact
Average Annual Energy Savings
Demand Savings Compared To Leading Behavioral Demand Programs
User Engagement Compared To Utility Customer Portals