Existing Sense Pro Partners Only

Sign in to access the Sense Pro Store or Fleet Manager

Fleet Manager

View your fleet of monitors.

Sense Pro Store

Purchase discounted products.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sense

For many of our partners, the people who purchase monitors through our Pro Store are different than the regular users of Fleet Manager. With that in mind, we’ve kept these systems separate for the time being.

Log in to Fleet Manager and navigate to the ‘Settings’ screen by hovering over your name in the top right corner of the app. Inside settings, click ‘Team’ in the left column. This will reveal the ‘Team Management’ screen, where you can add or remove members. When adding a new member, you can choose whether they are an ‘Admin’ (with full access to all functionality) or a ‘Member’ (with access only to portions of the app that you select). You can update the privileges of any member by clicking on their name in the ‘Team Management’ section.

We are currently shifting our business focus to bringing Sense technology to millions of customers through utility deployments of Sense-enabled smart meters. Unfortunately this strategic shift necessitates changes to our commercial partnership approach, including no longer signing up partners for new Sense Pro accounts. Sense home energy monitors are currently still available for purchase through the Sense Amazon store. We invite professionals to stay current with changes at Sense by following us on LinkedIn and subscribing to our quarterly newsletter, The Bright Side. If you’d like to get in touch with our business team about current meter-based partnership opportunities, please fill out this form on our website. Thank you for your interest in Sense!