Machine learning.

Sense is designed for quick installation and constant improvement. The monitor uses two sensors that read the electrical current over 1 million times each second, while machine learning uses that data to determine what devices are on and off. It’s a hard problem to solve, but worthwhile, and improving all the time.

Just like speech consists of words and sounds, each device's signature is made up of distinct elements.


Machine learning.

Sense is designed for quick installation and constant improvement. The monitor uses two sensors that read the electrical current over 1 million times each second, while machine learning uses that data to determine what devices are on and off. It’s a hard problem to solve, but worthwhile, and improving all the time.

Home insight found nowhere else.

Your home can tell you a lot and Sense is finding new ways to provide visibility to what’s happening and hiding. Through Labs, we preview new features that help you become more energy efficient. Read more here or check out the projects below.