Introducing Sense Labs.

Our mission is to make homes more insightful and less wasteful. Through Labs, we push the boundaries of smart home innovation and work out solutions to problems that prevent our homes from performing to their full potential.
What Are We Cooking?

Motor Stalls

One of the most common components of an appliance is a motor. Some of the most important motors in your home power critical devices like an HVAC pump or sump pump. When a stall occurs, the motor has stopped rotating even when there is enough voltage at its terminals. This can spell trouble for the future, serving as a warning of device failure ahead. Read more about motor stalls at our blog.

Sense can often identify when a large 240V motor breaks down by finding abnormal spikes in the energy signature as a motor starts up.

Stall frequency

If Sense detects motor stalls it will show you how many were found over the past 30 days.

Data sample

Sense will show a 15 minute sample of the last motor stall, so you can investigate which device is having trouble.

Power Quality

Most homes in North America have split-phase 120/240V electric service. Each phase or “leg” aims to sustain 120V, within a range of ±5%. However, short-term dips (-10%) and spikes (+10%) can occur and may signal a problem with your service, particularly if it’s happening frequently. Learn more about what causes dips and spikes here.

The Power Quality project tracks voltage in real-time, average, and upper and lower bounds to give the user an idea of consistency of quality.

Historical lookback

A chart of the voltage range across both legs of 240V service.

Recent dips and spikes

Observed instances of dips and spikes so to help users flag problems that may need attention from the utility.

AC Energy Comparison

Air conditioners are one of the biggest energy hogs in the home, accounting for more than 25% of yearly electric use. By comparing your average AC usage to similar homes, Sense can flag when you have opportunity for improvement and savings. Click here to see how we compare your AC usage.

AC Energy Comparison shows where you rank compared to your cohort, helping you gauge the degree to which you can become more efficient.

Comparison Chart

Shows your AC energy use in kWh relative to similar homes.
Sense Labs